We help solo-small law firm owners turn untapped potential into strategic impact.

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The Benefits of Advisors Institute

Get more TIME

“The way we spend our time defines who we are.”
– Jonathan Estrin.
Twenty-four hours a day are all we get to allocate among our personal and business activities. Once spent, it can’t be recouped. Focus over distraction, priorities over tasks, and the precious 20% over the general 80% are the skills required to unleash and leverage time.


“There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently as that which should not be done at all.”
– Peter Drucker
Getting results means working on the right things in the right way, not just being busy. The right things are informed by your personal and business goals and anchored by measurable outcomes so you can understand which strategies work and don’t which ones squander your time and results.l.


“A successful business maximizes the present value of future earnings.”
– Steve Young
Cash flow gets the lion’s share of firm owner attention as a marker of the firm’s health and value. But focus on cash flow often comes at the expense of profit and long term firm value. Knowing how to cultivate both for more short term and long term security is key.


“You cannot truly be considered successful in your business life if your home life is in shambles.”
– Zig Ziglar
You can harness time, results, value, now and in the long term. Personal and work success are two-sides of the same coin and grounded in the quality of your physical and mental energy, habits, and relationships you bring to each. Cultivating your vitality, confidence, and focus in both brings success in both.


You know when you put in a lot of hours, including evenings and weekends but you don’t feel you have a lot to show for it by the end of a week? You don’t get paid until the work is done but work backs up and your cash flow is becomes a roller coaster while you juggle all your other roles as marketer, client-minder, teammate, and manager? You keep grinding away on your practice Hamster Wheel day after day without feeling like you’re getting ahead? You know something has to change but you’re not sure what, how or where to start? Past attempts

Well, we help small law firm owners create their unique focus formula to cure their work and cash flow bottlenecks so they can get off that Hamster Wheel and grow a profitable practice they love and go home on time without work.

We curate and tailor evidence-based strategies from many disciplines to help each solo-small law firm owner identify the root causes of factors that keep them on a practice Hamster Wheel.

Our Promise

In 6 weeks or less, with this online training and 1:1 coaching program, you will create your unique 20% Focus Success Formula to find and fix the root causes to what keeps you on a practice Hamster Wheel. And you will gain permanent insights and skills that can serve you again and again as you move toward your definition of success.

Just Follow These Steps:

Step 3: Schedule a call

Step 2: Create Your Step by Step Action Plan

Step 3: Work with Your Coach to Implement Your Plan

Apply Today

Fill in the details below to apply for a free call

About Us

We have lived the small law firm life and seeing the challenges, failures, and successes of others we have coached throughout the U.S. for over 20 years. “We” includes me, Candace Pollock, founder and primary coach. While I prefer to focus on the “we”, I also understand that my personal journey may be helpful to you as you consider your own. We will also involve others as coaches, instructors, and guest contributors. READ MORE

In my own journey, I have made all of the mistakes we talk about. I followed the traditional approaches to create a successful solo-small firm professional practice and enjoyed what others would call success—I was one of those “seemingly successful” advisors—even to myself.

However, truth be told, I was always over-busy and always retooling some process that wasn’t quite working. We never quite arriving at sustainable results. Doubts about the merits of a lot of traditional approaches had already started to move me to explore other approaches.

It wasn’t until my husband’s illness and swift death, that I was forced to step out of my busyness and look at my life. I recognized that much of my time and attention produced marginal results. This was why we didn’t feel we were getting sustainable results—because we weren’t!

Looking back, I saw that I had enough “mistakes” to have earned a PhD. I was too busy to even notice how much I was tolerating. This accelerated my desire to rethink the approaches I had been trained to rely on. Technical expertise and marketing are important but I saw that traditional approaches were not addressing root causes of the challenges and, in fact, often created their own problems.

It doesn’t all happen overnight but it does happen exponentially. Coaching can give you critical thinking skills so you can start seeing other perspectives about your practice and personal life. More “forks in the road” open up to you and you can intentionally pick the path that makes sense for you.

You are at a fork in the road now. Stay on the hamster wheel or explore a different approach. We’ve been there. What do you want? What do you no longer want? What is getting in the way? We can help you figure that out.

If you’re ready to start your new path or just curious about what it entails, schedule a free call where we can answer your questions about how our programs and coaching can help you create the life and practice you want and whether we are a good fit for each other.

We think the best definition of happiness comes from Shawn Achor, Professor of Happiness, at Harvard University: “The joy one feels striving for one’s potential…. happiness fuels success, not the other way around.”

Our joy is helping our clients grow toward their full potential–in business and in life.

(216) 800-4603

What Does It Cost?

While many focus on how much a program like this costs, the question should be "how much does it cost to continue to do things they way you have been doing?" Albert Einstein said, "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." READ MORE

Sadly, the common approach to grow a small law practice relies on what we call “Magical Thinking”. It sees marketing as the solution for every business ill. The theory says that if you market your technical expertise like crazy, you get a “big, bigger, biggest” practice and which means you can stand back and reap its rewards. It looks like this:

More clients = More cash flow = More profits = More success = More personal time = More happiness.

The flaw is that it gives little-to-no consideration to the common unintended consequences it produces which may look like this when you do it without the proper game plan:

More clients = More workload = More demand on team & advisor = More bottlenecks = More hiring & training to meet demands = More overhead = Less cash flow = Less time & money for marketing = Less/worse profit = Less client satisfaction = Less …. success, personal time, happiness…

It isn’t that advisor-owners don’t get results from this approach. It’s that their results usually just give them bigger versions of what they already have–a BIGGER Hamster Wheel! Some suffer and get through the work-cash flow bottlenecks only to repeat the cycle later. Others suffer and retreat to their prior ways.

They might get bursts of cash flow during this cycle of busyness but was the process profitable?” Did it produce sustainable higher profits? Can it be done in the context of the advisor’s goals regarding personal time and health? Bottom line: This Whack-A-Mole™ approach does not address root causes of what gets in the way nor does it improve short-term or long-term sustainability or profitability and value.

Here’s where the Advisors Institute can help…

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